2 Human Rights Guidelines for Organisations
How can these guidelines be used?
The state can use the guidelines presented in this tool to fill regulatory gaps regarding human rights compliance of organisations active in their jurisdiction.
The guidelines indicated in this tool 2 also support private organisations on how they should comply with human rights law. While organisations can adopt self-regulation mechanisms to comply with the binding human rights rules described in tool 1, the guidelines of tool 2 serve as a roadmap to implementing these rules in practice, in light of the specific activities, contexts, risks involved, most relevant human rights, and stakeholders involved.
The guidelines mentioned in this tool are similar and interconnected, and there is no single way to use them. Various mechanisms have been developed for this purpose, the most relevant being those mentioned by the UNGP: human rights due diligence (HRDD), human rights impact assessment (HRIA), reporting systems, operational grievance mechanisms, and self-evaluation of human rights compliance. These mechanisms are also complementary and interconnected and are presented in the following tools.
Human Rights Due Diligence and impact assessment